Most aspects of a plots appearance can be controlled using commands sent from your Arduino sketch. These methods apply to both Time Plots and XY-Plots. They are included the Arduino Time Plot and XY-Plot library.

Method Summary

The following methods are available to TimePlot and XYPlot objects.

Method Descriptions


Sets the plot title.


Sets the label displayed on the plot’s x-axis.


Sets the label displayed on the plot’s left y-axis.


Sets the label displayed on the plot’s right y-axis.

SetSeriesProperties(SeriesName, Color, LineStyle, LineWidth, MarkerStyle, AxisOption)

Set the color, line-style, line-width and marker style used for plotting the given series.

SetSeriesProperties(SeriesName, SeriesProperties)

Sets one or more of the color, line-style, line-width and marker style used for plotting the given series with a series property string


Clears all series from the plot.


Clear the series named SeriesName from the plot

SetYRange(LowerLimit, UpperLimit)

Adjusts the Time Plot left y-axis range with the selected limits.

SetY2Range(LowerLimit, UpperLimit)

Adjusts the Time Plot right y-axis range with the selected limits.


Hide/show the left y-axis. If Visible is true or missing, the axis is shown; if it is false the axis is hidden.


Hide/show the right y-axis. If Visible is true or missing, the axis is shown; if it is false the axis is hidden.

ShowCursor(CursorName, Visible — optional)

Show/hide a cursor. If Visible is true, or missing, the cursor is shown; if it is false, the cursor is hidden.


Hide a cursor.

SetCursorPosition(CursorName, Position, Precision— optional)

Changes the position of a cursor.

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